Note:major extra credit:, choose one or both
A)Summarize your answer to the question discussed in class today, and why you chose that answeerL
How would you go about discerning/deciding who are "the least of these, my brothers and sisters/little ones." In Matthew 25? Take ten minutes studying the passage froma Three Worlds model, and come up with a working answer, or at least the right questions (literary, historical) that would lead you to the answer.
B)Part A)Mix and match quiz of 15 symbols, sample click here, see class notes 8/31 and 9/14 , 9/19.
These notes from a Degree Completion version of this class may help: here
Part B) Say as much as you can about your "party" (combine details from class notes and videos, Upside Down textbook, Hauer and Young) If tyou are a "Mennonite," you can read this article OR choose any of the other parties (since we didn't get to talk much about Mennonites in class yet
Part C)Upside Down Kingdom:
1)-Chapter 7: Name, and briefly describe Detours #4 and #9
-2)Chapter 8: Name, and briefly describe, the 3rd and 4th "provocative acts" of Jesus, and comment on why they ticked off Pharisees and Sadducees (pp, 140-153)
3)-Chapter 10: Discuss any ways this chapter reminded you of bounded and centered sets, giving specific examples-Chapter 11: From the section "Stop Climbing," name and briefly describe the three ways religious leaders "polished the rungs" (page 226)
4)-Chapter 12: Summarize the chapter in two or three paragraphs
Part D)Amish Grace, Parts 2 and 3:
1)Write 2-3 paragraphs about your emotional/spiritual response to the book: How did it make you feel? how did challenge your faith or view of Christianity? Where did it make you uncomfortable, or make you wrestle?
2) Which passages in Matthew are key for Amish, and why?(chapter 6)
3)What is Gelassenheit? (pp. 100-101)
4)Summarize the Amish views o0f pardon, excommunication and shunning (chapter 11
5)-Summarize the "Amish are Not Us" section (pp. 174-177)
6) Summarize the Amish response to technology, and why it is often misunderstood (209-10)

1)Explain as much as you can of these charts (click, then click again) to enlarge) Help, answers, click here
2)Name this symbol, and say as much as you can about it. 1(see 10.26 post here)
3)What were the three testations of Jesus, and what realm of life does Kraybill assign to each? (see especially 9/19 and 9/21)
4)Name any three times in Jesus' life/ministry where he revisited on of the three testations(see notes . , on 9/21or offer your own answers)
5) a)Say as much as you can about the first chapter of the Sermon on the Mount. b)What do you remember about the "literary world" of the Beatitudes? c) How do you summarize Jesus' shift in the law in the 6 antitheses? (see 10/10 and 10/12)
6) Points about parables (answers 10/31)
a)"Parable" literally means a "______"" "a setting beside each other two things that have ___ in common"
b))Parable are often ______illustrations.
c_)Parables are _______, they can be entered ______
d)The one primary point of a parable is that a parable has more than one primary point. T__ F___
e)Parable, like metaphor," is a "loud ___ in the salon of spirituality":
(Eugene Peterson)
f)Parables are signs of ______
g)Parables often have a God (or Jesus) figure, but a ____________________. one.
h)Context (ex. What happens before/after the parable? ) is not really important in interpreting parables T__F___
i)Why did Jesus tell parables? Stein: to _____, to _____ and to _____
j)Parables provoke a practical _____ and a radical ____
l)You will usually have to do some "______ world" research to get the punch and punchline.
m)Parables subvert _____, and knock ______
Notes: words to fill in the blanks are (mix and match)
earthy, multifaceted, nothing, gnosticism. repentance, fart. empire, chiasm. historical, intercalation, conceal, disarm, the Kingdom, reveal, surprising, response, anywhere
7)From class and video notes 11/7 (here)on Matthew 21:
a)How might Jesus have been re-tempted as his death drew near?
b)What is the prophetic symbolism of the day that Jesus entered Jerusalem?
c)What is the prophetic symbolism of the way that Jesus entered Jerusalem?
d)What is the prophetic symbolism of the crowds waving palm branches?
e)Why was Jesus angry in the "temple tantrum" include class notes, quotes from Upside Down Kingdom (pp 150-153) and the NT Wright video in your answer.
f)What is the prophetic symbolism of the fig tree?
8)From the sermon on Revelation in Three Worlds Perspective we watched on 11/9 (re-watch here)
a))What does the video teach us about "subversion of empire?"
b)How is it an example of "Three Worlds" theory in bible study?
c)How far into his sermon was the preacher before he even mentioned which book of the Bible it was based on?Why do you think he did that?
d)What do you learn here about Ephesus?
e)What do you learn here about Roman Empire?
f)What kind of practical application did this sermon make for our "contemporary world?"
9)What percent of the assigned Scripture and textbook readings did you complete?
10)Did you cheat, plagiarize, or act dishonestly in this class or your studies related to it? Is so, explain.
Part F)Personal Response:
1)Share about any learnings, inspirations from class that stand out
2)Talk about any ways your views of who Jesus is have been challenged or changed?
3)Talk about the campus field trips. Which story stands out and why? Why did we take these field trips?